
10 Ways To Survive a BBQ

by | May 10, 2017

With the better weather finally here, some people might be planning on dusting off the BBQ and pulling it out of the garage. However, having a BBQ does not need to affect your progress with regards weight loss or getting leaner in time for summer. Here’s our top 10 tips to keep on track at your next BBQ:

1- Fill your plate with salad before you put anything else on it, the more the better, especially green leafy salad.

2- Stick to the ‘diet’ or sugar free drinks available.

3- With your plate full of salad you will then have less room to overindulge on meat, however eat your meat first as eating protein will fill you quicker.

4- Fit in an extra workout beforehand, knowing that you will be consuming a few hundred extra calories at the BBQ than normal, do that extra bit of work to allow for this.

5- Use smaller plates, most people tend to fill their plate at a BBQ so the smaller (without seeming like you’re using a saucer), the better.

6- Marinate meat and fish in fat-free marinades and sauces, obviously this can only be controlled if you are in charge of the BBQ, or you could bring your own meat as a ‘thank you’ but eat it yourself.

7- Don’t forget the veg! Kebabs with chicken or beef and lots of veg such as mushrooms, onions, peppers and courgette on a skewer are very appealing, generally the more colourful they are the healthier they will be!

8- Try to chose the healthiest dessert available, or if it’s your BBQ, then only have healthy desserts available such as fruit salad, trifle or a low calorie homemade frozen dessert.

9- Choose alcoholic drinks carefully, remember they do contain calories and 2 drinks later you may have accumulated 500+ calories!

10- Once you’ve finished eating, go and do something! Whether you’re throwing or kicking a ball, playing with youngsters or going for a short walk, moving burns calories!

Just on a side note, make sure all food is thoroughly cooked so you don’t end up with the skitter for half a week and miss training!