
5 Ways to Survive the Easter Holidays

by | Apr 20, 2017

With the youngsters off school for Easter life can become a bit more hectic. Routine goes to pot and your usual well planned week becomes the victim. So what can you do this Easter to keep active, stick to your nutrition plan and not fall off the wagon?

1. Roll Eggs! Go for a walk, kick a ball about, play in the garden or head up the Silent Valley and roll eggs down the hill. There’s no shortage of places to take your wee/older ones to get the legs stretched.

2. Do something different! There’s places like ‘We Are Vertigo’ in Belfast, or Jumpboxx NI in Banbridge to go trampolining, this is a fantastic form of exercise and a fun way to get the calories burnt! Go for a wander somewhere random like Delamont, Gosford Park, Scrabo Tower or Castle Espie to see the birds.

3. Make some homemade protein bars! Make a wet afternoon enjoyable by utilizing a simple recipe, or experiment and make something different! Get your children to help you, they might actually enjoy it! Send us a PM and we’ll send you our favourite protein bar recipe.

4. Cook in bulk! Why not take half an hour and make a dish that’ll last the whole family a few days? Try our tasty Mango Chicken or Bolognese.

5. Tackle a mountain! Start with something like Knockree if you haven’t been up one before, head for Binnian or Donard if you fancy a challenge and love a spectacular view, there’s loads to choose from.

Alternatively, if you can get your children shipped off to granny, granda or a childminder, get yourself down to the gym! Don’t let the Easter holidays ruin your progress!