
Blended Fruit v Non Blended Fruit

by | May 18, 2019

Whats the difference??

This is a question I get asked regularly. It’s a topic that comes up in the media from time to time, that blended fruit is BAD for you, stay clear at all costs. So let’s delve into it a bit…

The first thing to make clear is that both fruit and vegetables (regardless of the form they’re in) are good for you in moderation. Secondly, there’s a difference between blending fruit/veg and juicing fruit/veg.

Blending v Juicing

The first difference is that you generally use two completely difference machines.

A juicer will extract the juice and keep the remains (skins, pulp, fibre), you get a thin and concentrated liquid product that contains vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients. A blender will just mush up everything, skins and all (assuming you put them in). The volume of the drink, which is often called a smoothie, will be much greater than that of a juice made from the same amount of fruits or vegetables.

There are pros and cons to both juicing and blending. Juicing provides a very nutrient-dense beverage in a smaller amount of liquid but will work out the more expensive option. Blending will help you retain more of the fiber, which will be good for your digestive health. Either process can help you to increase your fruit and vegetable intake. However, would just eating the fruit itself be a better option?

Blended/Juiced v Whole Fruit/Veg

Personally I much prefer to eat my calories than drink them, here’s a few reasons why:

1. It usually takes longer to eat it than drink it.

When you drink something it’s gone before you know it. A few big mouthfuls and it doesn’t feel like you’ve had anything at all. For as taking your time eating some fruit or veg will decrease the likelihood of you wanting more.

2. Chewing increases satiety.

The simple process of munching on something is generally far more satisfying and will more likely cure your rumbling stomach than a drink.

3. Messing with the food will alter it’s fibre content.

You’ll get the best use of the fibre in your food in it’s truest form. If you’re body has to do the digestive work, it’ll likely be used more effectively in terms of keeping you fuller for longer and keeping the old blood sugar levels more stable.

4. It can be easy to consume more calories than you think.

Firing fruit into the blender at will can soon rack up the calories. You wouldn’t normally sit down to a full banana, an apple, 2 oranges and a kiwi so why would you drink them all at once?

All that being said, if you’re in a rush and need to get some fuel in the tank, a smoothie or juice is a fantastic option to get your vitamins and minerals in. My advice would be to include them sometimes, try it yourself and see what you think. I don’t promote fad style juicing/smoothie diets, however when incorporated into a balanced, well rounded plan, they can have their place.

Whole foods for me, you make your own mind up