
Go Hard or Go Home

by | Dec 18, 2019

In class, whether it be 1 to 1, small group or large group training, you always want to push yourself! I’m all for getting 110% out of everyone that steps foot through the door. HOWEVER… I don’t believe you should try and run before you can walk.


This post is just a reminder that’s it OK not to be the strongest, fastest or fittest in the class. Jimmy next door has been training for the last 5 years, maybe you gave the gym a go for the first time 3 months ago.


Take a press-up up for example, in the picture is one of the easier and one of the harder variations. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about or no shame in choosing the option which is better suited to you. If you try to perform an exercise that you’re unable to maintain proper form, you’re at a much higher risk of injury.

I experienced this myself when I was attempting to lift something heavier than I should of. It cost me 4 months of training and a lot of money. Lesson learned, don’t be stupid. No one cares how much you can lift, honestly!


Being consistent is the number one factor for progress, show up, work hard, push yourself, but don’t compare yourself to anyone else.