
Large Group Training, Over 55s and 6am Bootcamp Protocol

by | Aug 19, 2020

Firstly, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has already returned to training at T1 Fitness. Adherence to our new policies has been brilliant, it’s very much appreciated by us and other members too.
When coming to the gym, please observe and adhere to the following:
1. There are 7 parking spaces out the front, please have a look as you drive in, if there are spaces around the front available, please park there first. This is to give us as much space round the back as possible for outdoor training.
2. Please sanitise your hands before entering and after leaving the training space, indoors or outdoors.
3. Please bring your own water.
4. Please wait until the exact start time of your session before entering the training space, both indoors and outdoors.
5. If outdoors, please use common sense as to staying at least 1metre apart, 2metres where possible.
6. If indoors, you will be allocated a space. Please take all your belongings including keys etc to your space, leave as much as possible in the car. Please stay within this space at all times unless instructed otherwise. Please stay out of the areas marked with white Xs, as this is to separate you from the next person.
7. Please be on time, this is now even more important, especially for outdoor sessions.
8. We ask everyone to bring their own mat which will be compulsory.
9. We would also advise anyone with a TRX or red resistance band to bring it along to your sessions, it may not be required every session but will help reduce cross contamination on equipment. We would also advise anyone who wishes to buy a TRX or resistance band to order them very soon as there’s generally a couple of weeks delivery on them.