
Mango Chicken Challenge

by | Nov 11, 2016

Everyone at T1 Fitness was set the challenge this week to prepare a dish that they could get 4 or more meals from. This is my entry. Never made it before, not a very pretty picture, looked worse after it was cooked but tastes brilliant! Heaps of veg in it, lots of protein, plenty of fibre, extremely filling.

Perfect served with a birds eye bag of steamed veg for handiness!


4 chicken fillets
1 packet of mushrooms (I used the chopped ones)
3 peppers (I used 2 long red peppers and a yellow one)
Small jar of mango chutney
2 cans of condensed chicken soup
2 large handfuls of spinach
Small can of sweetcorn
1 head of broccoli or broccoli florets (I didn’t use these but will next time)

Alter these due to taste preference, such an easy way to get more veg in.


1. Steam/roast/grill or fry chicken fillets in some butter/olive oil. Add to a casserole dish when no longer pink.
2. Sauté (fry until softish) the mushrooms, peppers and spinach in some butter/oil, then add to the casserole dish. Meanwhile steam or microwave the broccoli until soft, add to the casserole dish along with the sweet corn.
3. Combine the mango chutney and the condensed chicken soup, then add these to the dish.
4. Cover the dish in tin foil and cook in the oven for an hour at 160degrees.
5. Enjoy not having to prepare meals for the next few days!

(Credit to Elaine Parke for the recipe ??)