
New Mums Of Mourne

by | Aug 16, 2017

T1 Fitness are looking for new mums who want to get back into shape after having their wee one!

Are you unsure about what exercises are safe to do? What sort of foods should you be eating to burn off the extra baby weight? Or simply need an hour out of the house to have some time for YOU?

We’ve designed a training programme which incorporates suitable and effective exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, give you a full body workout and get you feeling fit again! Make the most of a perfect opportunity to clear your head, have an hour for yourself, meet some new people with the same struggles and work towards getting back into those jeans that used to fit.

Here’s how it works for our “New Mums of Mourne Programme” –

• You’ll train with us once a week for 8 weeks on Wednesday from 9.45-10.45am to get leaner, fitter and to a place of feeling great about your post baby body.

• Daily support – we don’t let you wonder away from your weekly session and do it alone! You’ve got the support of all the other members of T1 Fitness in our private members group.

• Nutrition guidance that doesn’t leave you missing out on life’s little luxuries like chocolate and cheesecake.

• Progress tracking through bi-weekly measurements.

Classes start Wednesday 13th September. ONLY £99!