
T1’s Top 4 Meal Prep Tips

by | Feb 23, 2022

They say abs are made in the kitchen, they’re probably not far wrong 🤔 get the eating side of things right and the exercise side will become all the more enjoyable. Here’s our top 4 tips for meal prepping, one of the keys to fat loss success:
1. Start Small
Should you just start by chopping all vegetables for the week and storing them in the fridge, this makes a stir fry pretty quick and easy. Or choose one meal you have a weak spot with and start with that could be overnight oats for breakfast or a curry cooked ready for a few evenings dinners.
2. Make a list 📝
Write a shopping list in advance and don’t forget to add spices and marinades to it for some flavour in your meals.
3. Set time aside 🕰
Set a few hours aside once a week and have it become a habit and it won’t feel like a hassle.
4. Tupperware
Always have plenty of tupperware (with matching lids, recurring issue here) great for storage and a whiteboard marker with the date works well for storing either in the fridge for a few days or the freezer.
Meal prepping is a great way to stay on track and still enjoy the food your eating. Even cooking a big pot of soup to do a few days is a great help when the hunger hits.
It’s mighty difficult to out train poor nutrition, not impossible, but certainly not optimal. To find out more about how we can help, fill in our inquiry form today!