
Type One’s Top 10 Tips to avoid weight gain on holidays

by | Aug 16, 2017

When away on holidays, it’s important to remember that you are actually on holiday. Calories don’t need to be counted, workouts don’t need to be strict and vigorous and alcohol may be slightly more plentiful. But what can you do to ensure you don’t come back 2 stone heavier?

1. Walk everywhere.
2. Have a light breakfast.
3. Spend plenty of time swimming in the pool, or at least paddle around on a lilo.
4. Eat plenty of exotic fruit, it’ll feel like a treat.
5. Hire a bike to go sightseeing.
6. Generally stick to water and diet drinks.
7. Try to get a couple of sessions in when on holiday, whether bodyweight circuits or a jog along the beach in the morning before it gets too hot.
8. Try to refrain from drinking alcohol during the day, it’ll make you dehydrated and the calories will soon add up!
9. When going out for the day be prepared and pack a healthy picnic including lots of fruit.
10. Enjoy yourself, you’re on holiday!