
What Should You Expect For Your Money?

by | Feb 23, 2022

Believe it or not, our membership is a 2 way thing. As trainers, we also have expectations of our members. Firstly though, here’s what you can expect from us:
➡️ Commitment …to your goals at all times – not just in sessions.
➡️ Trust…in your ability to make progress.
➡️ Accountability …that ensures we can justify any choice we make on your behalf.
➡️ Professionalism …that is shown by creating a supportive working environment for your sessions and interaction outside of sessions. Not to mention being on time.
➡️ Confidentiality … We will not share your story, progress or struggles with anyone.
➡️ Education …We will not just train you, we will educate you as to why our choices are right for you. The fitness industry is fast paced environment, and with changes in research occurring regularly, we will be ready to change my stance on certain issues if research shows something new that will benefit you. We will ALWAYS show you the reasons behind any change of direction we make, and why it affects your plan for the better.
➡️ Enthusiasm …We will remain positive in your ability to reach your goals, and will only set you targets we believe you can achieve.
➡️ Respect …in the way in which we interact with you – our language and tone – both written and verbal – will demonstrate our respect for you.
***What we expect from you:***
✅ Commitment …to your goals.
✅ Trust …in the plan that is set and always be ready to ask questions that support your learning.
✅ Accountability …do your homework 👊🏻
✅ Professionalism…in your choice of training attire, attendance, and arrival time.
✅ A willingness to learn…This is vital. You will be exposed to misleading information on health & fitness almost hourly – in the press, in social groups, on tv etc. We ask you bring anything to us that you’re unsure about, rather than taking it as gospel and applying it yourself.
Success comes when we work together 💪🏻