
Why bother?

by | Feb 19, 2021

You could sit on your back side and be lazy, why not?

You could get a Jonny Pangs on a Friday, Country Fried on a Saturday and a Pit Stop on a Sunday, may as well?

Get the feet up, family size doritos, a big bar of galaxy and a few drinks, couldn’t do any harm, could it?

Walk in the wind and rain, are you on drugs?

No gym today, I’m a bit tired, didn’t sleep great.


You could do all the above, but just the very odd time, maybe a big dirty kebab every few weeks. Train regularly, even a couple of times a week, like Julie and Dan here, who never miss ?? Get yourself out of the house for a short walk and a bit of fresh air, even if it’s only 5 or 10 minutes down the street. Get your fruit, veg and protein in, most of the time.

What’s your plan for the upcoming week?

Are you beat before you even start with a negative mindset?

Or have you got the support, the environment and the community around you to take you one step closer to your goal?

Make it happen this week ??

If there’s anything we can help you with, or to find out more about the training that’s currently available, get in touch ?