

by | Nov 2, 2021

When we do well in the gym, we start to see some progress, we manage to stick to our mini goals that we’ve been set, surely we deserve a treat! 100% YOU DO! You should celebrate every small win, every small landmark you hit, these are something to be proud of

However, all to often we celebrate these small wins with food. We tend to reward ourselves with the number one thing that’s counter productive to what we want to achieve. If you watched a friend who’s trying to lose weight, reward their 2lb weight loss for the week with a honey chilli chicken from Jonny Pangs, a box of black box donuts and a nuggy pot, you’d probably give them a slap. It’ll be you that has to listen to how they were ‘doing so well’ and “can’t understand why they “can\t lose any more weight”. Does this sound familiar?
What we recommend instead of this, try rewarding yourself with something that doesn’t involve food. Why not treat yourself with things that’ll get you to your goal quicker, rather than hold you back! Here’s a few ideas:

– some new gym gear
– new shoes
– a night at the cinema
– a massage
– a night away in a hotel
– some new perfume/aftershave
– a new bike
– an afternoon doing an activity you enjoy

Set yourself mini targets. Have a plan of what non food related reward you’ll give yourself when you hit that target Don’t take one step forward and 2 steps back!